Call for Abstracts

To exist is to be connected. But to what, with whom and by which means? Electrical grid and heat networks, roads and streets, internet connection and water supply – nowadays most of us take these intersecting networks for granted. As long as they work well, they go unnoticed. The political, economic and ethical dimension of the interconnectedness is, however, explicitly revealed by disruption: a military attack by a tyrant neighbour, peaking prices or catastrophic weather conditions, or also more mundanely, during urban repair and maintenance works. To exist today means to be upset about slow internet, new wind turbines, excavated streets and cleared out forests. Or does it?

MAJA is looking for contributions of various kinds to the Infrastructure issue (out in September 2024):

  • Essays (short- and long-form)

  • Project reviews

  • Projects

  • Interviews

  • Contributions in alternative formats

You are invited to submit a 200-word abstract in English or in Estonian as a proposal. You may include images and links to relevant material. Please send your proposal as a PDF (max 10MB) to and include a short bio for all authors. We are especially interested in authors from and contributions about the three Baltic States. Contributions chosen for publication will be remunerated.


Deadline for abstracts: 12 June 2024
Authors will receive notification: 25 June 2024
Deadline for article submission: 1 August 2024
The issue is out in September 2024.

MAJA editorial board