The bastion belt should be a park with its use activated by a building. The corner of Kaarli Avenue and Toompea Street is outside the moat’s contours and thus designing a building there would not necessarily diminish the impact of the bastion facilities. In some places, construction cannot be justified by a need but only by imagination. The mission of Harjuoru Park is to be a public educational space for developing green thinking as well as promoting climate-neutral construction, green technologies and dynamic interspecific urban spaces.
The morphology of the building ‘evolved’ rather than ‘was made’. The form is created from the axis joining Liberty Square with Hirvepark. The lines are featured at an alternating pace and pressure, slowing down and branching off opposite the end of the bastion thus creating a square. The ‘flow’ of the curved lines forms planes and façades much like forms are created as a result of evolutionary processes in nature.

PUBLISHED: Maja 107 (winter 2022) with main topic Evolution or Revolution?
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