Kui mõni ehitustehnoloogia või -materjal jääb pikemaks ajaks kõrvale, tekib tahes-tahtmata mulje, et see ongi olemuslikult iganenud. Nii on juhtunud looduskiviga, mille kasutuspotentsiaali kohta kostavad arhitektid ainult seda, et kivi on liiga kallis, liiga töömahukas, ei sobitu riigihankesüsteemi ning et kivist ehitamine on lihtsalt liiga keeruline, mida on näha restaureerimistestki. 21. sajandile on tüüpiline võimetus kujutada ette praegusest erinevat tulevikku ja nii on valdavaks paekivikasutuseks selle õhkimine killustikuks, et täita maad ja segada betooni.
The centre dedicated to the composer Arvo Pärt is loaded with many different expectations which set very high standards for the architecture. A successful architectural space not only provides a particular set of facilities, but also functions as an abstract machine, a means to contemplate our place in grander schemes of things.
Strict special conditions set by the National Heritage Board have ensured excellent renovation results but not the thunderbolt contemporary solution on a par with the original.
The renovation of 44 Queen’s Gate Terrace was completed more than a year ago, after which the embassy’s doors were also opened to visitors, whose numbers have risen impressively. A fair testament to high public interest in the building is the fact that on the city’s annual embassy open-doors day, the Estonian Embassy was so popular that the amount of people wishing to tour it exceeded the limited time frame allowed.