During a two-week stay in MAAJAAM, an artist residency in Neeruti village near Otepää, Belgian architect Edith Wouters reflected on what a desired future for villages in the countryside could be.
The top-level conference held at the Estonian Academy of Arts during the Tallinn Architecture Biennale dealt with the effect of digitality on architecture, production processes and society.
Last year I defended my Master’s thesis at the Faculty of Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts researching a thoroughly new building material – peat and oil shale ash composite. Both substances in their pure form are poorly applicable or even unusable in construction. Things get interesting, however, as soon as you join the two materials.
The use of program-controlled machinery in customised production.
“Coffee Morphoses” is a set of natural materials generated in the course of a practical study. By analysing the local organic resource, I came to ask if the waste of imported goods could become the new local raw material.
The story of the completion of Reiniku School stadium building financed by EU through Osirys project is almost as complex and thrilling as the mythological tale of the god of resurrection and transformation Osiris.
Material use which takes advantage of its specific properties lessens the chance of later unwanted changes in the original architectural design and guides the user experience. What stops architecture from taking the helm in material innovation?
As part of her research for PhD thesis, Marianne Jõgi designs and builds objects which on the surface appear as installation art, yet on a deeper level raise meaningful questions about architecture.
There is an ongoing discussion how to reach novelty in architecture with computation-driven tools, combining material knowledge with fabrication possibilities. In an attempt to seek for the new spatial qualities emerging and deepening the collaboration between the stakeholders of construction, we discuss it with experimental architect Rachel Armstrong, fiery engineer Manja van de Worp and innovating fabricator Jelle Feringa.
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