I have failed to notice, in all those nostalgic reminiscences about the old Baltic Station market, has anyone shown any interest in whether the sellers themselves actually enjoyed spending time in this environment?
For me, the key question posed by resilient urbanism is that of the status of the body: unlike in modern urbanism, it could be argued that one of the primary sites of urbanization in resilient urbanism is the body. It situates one of its innovations in the making-infrastructural of the body. This, of course, raises interesting questions regarding the emergent notions of subjectivity and interrogating agency and control in a space where law promises to become evermore algorithmic.
This photo series offers some visual background to the emotional debate that has captivated society. The photos were taken in spring/summer 2017. Around 80 locations that are on the proposed route were photographed, from Maardu to the Latvian border.
Tänasel kujul on Kultuurikatel aga otsekui pommitabamuse saanud. Protsessi käigus on sealt minema pühitud nii ideed kui ka autorid ja valminud hoonest on kärbitud viimanegi avalikku kasutust toetav arhitektuurne struktuurielement. Kultuurikatlast on saanud keerulise logistika ja põhjendamatu ruumiprogrammiga elitaarne A klassi rendipind, mille on kinni maksnud Euroopa ja Tallinna inimesed.
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