From A Funeral Home to A Ritual Building

Rannamõisa funeral home has taken a highly interesting path since its opening. Namely, the opening of the building was accompanied by a change of identity. Was the change of identity brought about by the author through the architecture or the client through the functions of the building? What does this say about our culture of death and the development of the respective architecture?

Who Made This?

Balta is a hybrid of a silk screen printshop and a bar for close friends. Its spatial use and construction logic is closely tied to its founders and changing needs: it is a place whose structure is a co-creation of the entire community. To best describe the project architecturally, it is reasonable to regard the establishment as a flow; an accumulation and recycling of materials. Such a dispersion of authorship and, above all, a material-based point of view is rather a matter of spatial aesthetics, one that provides a visible, perceptible experience of sensuosness and physicality. How is a community bound to its space?

An Oeuvre on a Potato Field

On tavapärane, et kui eemaldutakse inkubaatorilaadsete tüüpprojektide ehituse ideest, säilib eramu projekteerimisel autori omapära. See, et 1965. aastal kehtinud riigikorra nüansid ei arvestanud individuaalelamute projekteerimisel autorlusega, oli üks põhjustest, miks levisid tüüperamud ja looming oli varjus.

Autumn 2019 (98): Author

UNKNOWNSpatial Poetry Spatial Illusion Spatial Design Poetry Design 〉 Mariann DrellWho Made This? 〉 Roland ReemaaAn Oeuvre on a Potato Field 〉 Diana Drobot, Päär Keedus PERSONASAcknowledging Unnoticed Architecture 〉 Merle Karro-Kalberg PROJECTSImavere Rapeseed Oil Factory — Things that Matter 〉 Kristel Niisuke, Margus TammFotografiska in Tallinn — Matured End of Season Berries with Champagne

Of the Measurable and Unmeasurable in Architecture

Architecture is a practice that operates in an eternal field of tension between the measurable and unmeasurable, where the rational and justifiable materialises in contact with the artistic decisions which are made in the architect’s umwelt and whose internal genesis may often be undefinable and elusive to description. The following is an attempt to shed some light onto that part of the architect’s creative process that is in shadow.